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What is crypto & how does it work?

These days, “crypto” usually refers to the entire universe of technologies that involve blockchains — the distributed ledger systems that power digital currencies like Bitcoin, but also serve as the base layer of technology for things like NFTs, web3 applications and DeFi trading protocols. Ah yes, blockchains.

How long does a crypto transaction take?

Other types of crypto transactions, like buying and selling NFTs, can be significantly more complicated, but the basic act of sending a payment to someone typically takes only a few minutes. I’m ready to dive into the rest of your explainers. But first, I have one final question about crypto’s culture: Why is it so weird and insular?

How to invest in crypto?

Become a crypto miner or validator: Perhaps the most direct way to invest in cryptocurrency is to mine it or act as a validator in a crypto network. Cryptocurrency miners and validators earn rewards in crypto, which they can either hold as investments or exchange for another currency.

What makes up a crypto asset?

While the definition is fluid, there are several features that typically make up a crypto asset: Cryptography: This is where the term “crypto” comes from. A cryptocurrency (or crypto for short) utilizes cryptography, which are techniques for securing information or communications. Cryptocurrencies use what’s called public key cryptography.

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